The national economist Jan Dvořáček can serve as an example of a man who always tried to keep his finger on the pulse of the times. His contribution to the establishment of Czechoslovak foreign trade was extraordinary. His Masonic activity is mainly connected with the “business” Dílo Lodge. Dvořáček’s six […]
Believe me, dear ones, it is neither fear of what may come, nor weakness and weariness of what I have already gone through and what is behind me; it is only the human, perhaps understandable, realization that my life in freedom was too short to be enough to repay everyone […]
“Brotherhood for me also means being a Brother to my employees and maintaining a good relationship with the clerks and the workers, and nowadays making heavy financial sacrifices to give my employees the opportunity to work.” This credo guided Brother Heřman Bondy through his Masonic life until the fateful day […]
Bro. Hynek Puc was born on 1 October 1856 in Benátky nad Jizerou (formerly Nové Benátky) in the family of shoemaker Josef Puc. He graduated from the Secondary Industrial School of Mechanical Engineering in Prague. He worked as a machinist at the Edvard Lokeš and Son factory in Prague, making […]
University professor František Nušl was born on 3 December 1867 in Jindřichův Hradec. After graduating from the local grammar school, he studied mathematics, physics and astronomy at Charles University in Prague. He then taught mathematics and physics in Hradec Králové and Prague. František Nušl was the founder of the Ondřejov […]
Vilém Pospíšil, lawyer and financier, the first governor of the Czechoslovak National can certainly be considered among the founding personalities not only of the Czechoslovak state and its economy, but also of Freemasonry. He can rightly be seen as Rašín’s contemporary and successor in many respects. Vilém Pospíšil was born […]
Going through the list of Brethren, who were members of the Národ Lodge, we can also see a name of an architect that has resonated in my daily life as a boy from Zlín every day. One of the streets, where I spent my childhood, was named after him. I […]
Historian, diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs and a Freemason. That is how the personality of Kamil Krofta, one of the important members of the Národ Lodge, could be described. Kamil Krofta was born in 1876 as a son of Josef Krofta, the first Czech mayor of Pilsen and a noted […]
Jan Syrový was one of the top army officers in Masonic circles. His Masonic activity was linked to the Národ Lodge, of which he became a member in 1926. Shortly after, he asked for a demit because of being lambasted by the Catholic press, only to be reaffiliated again in […]
Jiří Syllaba was born on May 8, 1902 in Prague. He studied medicine and right after graduation in 1926, he became an assistant at the Institute of Physiology of the Charles University in Prague. After 5 years, he stayed at the same university but switched to the 2nd Department of […]
The fraternal and spiritual life of Prof. Dr. Vladimír Wagner narrated by his son Michal Wagner My father Vladimír Wagner was born in 1911 in Brno in the family of a civil servant. During his youth and early adulthood, at the times of the First Czechoslovak Republic, the family economically […]
Ladislav Syllaba was born on 16th June 1868 in Bystřice u Benešova. In March 1892, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague. He was a pupil and follower of Josef Thomayer. After graduation, he underwent a long medical praxis in Bohemia and education programmes […]
The founding of the Národ Lodge 100 years ago would have never happened without an active initiator in the background, who never became its regular member. We can read various things about him from historical sources – politic, diplomat, journalist, writer. And also a Freemason of the Scottish Rite. His […]
The list of World War II casualties from the ranks of Národ Lodge members. Deceased Doc. JUDr. Vladimír Hora (died in prison in Brieg) JUDr. Zdeněk Chytil, publisher of the ‘Demokratický střed’ magazine (died in Terezín concentration camp) Ing. Ladislav Bartl (died in a concentration camp after the revolution) JUDr. Rudolf Buchtela […]
The Národ Lodge (among other Lodges) became dormant for the first time on October 14, 1938. Many Masons emigrated after this date. From the aspect of historical continuity, it is important to mention the activity of about 50 active Brethren from various Lodges contributing to Masonic works in London. Some […]
After the fall of the communist regime at the end of 1989, only 28 Masons lived in Czechoslovakia who remembered the temporary suspension of Freemasonry in 1951. Since that year, the Order was inactive. However, Brethren remained in contact. They were gathering in their apartments and preparing lectures. They also […]
At the beginning of 1938 all Masonic lodges in our country worked normally without any sings of that tragic September. The Munich Agreement and its consequences had an extremely painful impact on Freemasons. The situation was even more cruel for our Národ Lodge. Many Brethren highly contributed to the creation […]
The founders of the Národ Lodge were active in the movement of the national liberation. They assembled around František Sís and the magazine Národ and also around Alois Rašín and Maffie (the main organ of the Czech home resistance during the WWI) The goals of Freemasonry, related to great words […]