The list of World War II casualties from the ranks of Národ Lodge members.

- Doc. JUDr. Vladimír Hora (died in prison in Brieg)
- JUDr. Zdeněk Chytil, publisher of the ‘Demokratický střed’ magazine (died in Terezín concentration camp)
- Ing. Ladislav Bartl (died in a concentration camp after the revolution)
- JUDr. Rudolf Buchtela ( died in a concentration camp after the revolution )
- Dr. Kamil Krofta, former Minister of Foreign Affairs (died suffering after the revolution)
- Ing. Antonín Lederer
- MUDr. Václav Náprstek (12. 12. 1944)
- Antonín Pešl, editor of the ‘Národní osvobození’ newspaper
- Václav Sadílek (jumped out of the window at Gestapo)
- MUDr. František Šmakal, director of the Czech Red Cross (died in Mauthausen 24. 10. 1942)
- Univ. prof. MUDr. Jan Bělehrádek
- JUDr. Josef Beneš
- JUDr. František Berdych
- Ing. Jindřich Čapek
- Jan Dohnálek
- Josef Filip
- Doc. MUDr Ladislav Filip
- Univ. prof. PhDr. Julius Heidenreich – Dolanský
- Univ. prof. PhDr. Jiří Horák
- JUDr. Jan Jína
- Ing. Bedřich Klíma
- Rudolf Konrád
- JUDr. Jaroslav Král
- Univ. prof. PhDr. Karel Krejčí
- Emil Lešehrad
- Miloslav František Marek
- JUDr. Hubert Masařík
- Dr. Mojmír Pelikán
- Vladimír Reneš
- Doc. MUDr. Jiří Syllaba
- Doc. MUDr. Jiří Scheiner
- Prof. Karel Štipl
- JUDr. Ing. Alois Tyl
- Bohumil Vydra
The list was taken from the ‘100 Years of the Národ Lodge’ exhibition in Klementinum.